- What is unreal?
- A game engine.
- An integrated development environment.
- A set of libraries
- A new religion.
- Game engine
- Rendering engine
- a high level application that uses underlying graphics APIs
- A scene graph to organize the components.
- Other libraries like radiosity and ray tracing
- Supporting software
- Audio engine
- Load and play audio files
- Audio manipulation effects
- Physics engine
- AI engine
- And more.
- Unreal is all of these
- Generates executable for MANY different platforms.
- Written in C++
- Supports code in both C++ and "blueprints".
- Manages the organization of assets.
- And Much more
- Unreal is supported by
- A large "markeplace"
- Game assets for sale
- Some are free.
- A large set of courses
- You have full access to the unreal source code.
- Free to use until a minimal sales threshold.
- The basic license "This license is free to use and incurs 5% royalties when you monetize your game or other interactive off-the-shelf product and your gross revenues from that product exceed $3,000 per quarter. "