A queue is a data structure which represents a line, or a First In First Out (FIFO) construct. Queues are very old and have a standard set interface. For this assignment you should implement a queue matching the class described in QueueT.h. You may not change this file and classes which fail to compile with this file as their header will receive no credit for this assignment.
Construct an empty queue.
QueueT(const QueueT & other)
Construct a queue from the provided queue.
destroy an existing queue.
operator =(const QueueT & other)
make the current queue a copy of the provided queue.
CopyQueue(const QueueT & other)
Make a complete copy of the provided queue to the current queue. You may assume the current queue is emtpty.
Enqueue(ItemT item)
Add item to the rear of the queue.
Remove the front item from the queue.
Attempt to call dequeue on an empty queue.
Return, but do not remove, the front item of the queue.
Attempt to call front on an empty queue.
return the number of elements in the current queue.
[bennett@mirkwood private]$ QueueTest Constructor Test Simple Test Equal Test Deep Copy Test Error Test End of tests
valgrind QueueTest
should report " All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible".