Homework 4, Welcome to DandyLand.

Short Description:

Write a basic version of DandyLand

This assignment is worth 40 points.


When you finish this homework, you should have:

Formal Description

Write a basic version of DandyLand.

This version should be based on the following.

  1. Use the file GameConstants.h for constant values.
  2. Implement a scoped or strong enumeration LandT
  3. Implement a warehouse.
  4. Use SectorT
  5. Implement a MapT
  6. I have changed the specification slightly from my implementation.

Please use this Makefile

Required Files

A single tar file containing the source code and Makefile for this program. Please do not include any executable or object code.

If you need to communicate any information, please put it in a file called ReadMe in this tar file.


Email your tar file as an attachment to the homework 4 D2L folder by the due date.