More Design
- I am still working on chapter 4.
- He has mentioned design patterns several times in the text.
- These are known solutions to existing problems.
- You see these all over the place
- Model View Control in web design
- Factories in Game Programming.
- In my experience, they are mostly related to Object Oriented problems.
- He really discusses this on page 145, so you should read Reusing Designs
- We will encounter a few of these this semester.
- For most of these, we will need a bit more c++ for implementation.
- But I wanted to draw your attention to them.
- I am going to skip ahead to page 157, Designing A Chess Program
- He starts by listing requirements
- Please note, his set of requirements are not complete.
- But these are a list of things the code has to do.
- Based on the requirements, he begins to partition the code into systems.
- As I stated he uses the Model-View-Controller pattern.
- The model is the data of the application.
- The view is a representation of the data.
- The controller accepts input and converts it to commands or calls to the model or view. This is the "brains" of the program.
(From Wikipedia)
- This means
- The model does not have to worry about display
- Different views or user interfaces can be attached
- Text Base
- Something else, (I am thinking of some form of a chessboard where the pieces are projected and the user moves them somehow)
- This means that classes developed here can be reused in future code.
- In his design
- The model consists of a
and a ChessBoard
- The view consists of a
and a ChessBoardView
- The controller consists of a
and a Player
- The easiest of these are the
- The ChessBoardView displays the chessboard
- The ChessPieceView displays individual pieces.
- In the end, the board view will call the individual piece views to display their representation.
- The model:
- ChessPiece is responsible for
- Moving its self
- Checking for legal moves
- The ChessBoard
- Is a container that stores the chess pieces
- Checks for end of game conditions
- The controller
- The GamePlay
- The main logic for the game.
- Starts the game
- Controls the flow of the game
- Controls drawing
- Declares the winner
- Ends the game.
- The Player
- Interacts with the view to get player commands (if it is a human player)
- Interacts with AI to get commands
- Executes these commands
- This is summarized on page 150.
- Note, he includes
- Interfaces Exported or methods each system should supply
- Interfaces Consumed or methods the system will call.
- Look this chart over, understand it.
- Figure 4-5 provides an overview of the interaction of these parts
- Skip the Threading models, we have not discussed threading.
- He then goes on to design a hierarchy.
- ChessPiece will need to be specialized.
- It is responsible for knowing how to move each piece.
- Therefore we will need a specialization for each different piece.
- This means a hierarchy
- The same, for different reasons for the ChessPieceDisplay
- He is now ready to begin to design the classes for this program.
- The table on 163 is probably hard to read because we don't know c++ terminology for a hierarchy.
- Think of an abstract class as the parent of all derived classes
- A concrete class then is a derived class
- Don't worry about this too much.
- What is important is that at this point, he has the classes described above.