A Soda Machine

What is a soda machine
   - Takes coins or bills, in USD
        + 5, 10, 25 coins
        + $1, $5, $10 bills
   - Insert coin or bill
        + if the bill or coin is of the correct type and currency
           then  accept coin or bill
           else  reject coin or bill
   - Push a soda button
        + If not items of that type
            -  Display out of order
        + If insufficient currency  and there are items to sell
            - display the price of the item tied to the button
        + Otherwise 
            - Dispense soda
            - If we need to make change, make change.
   - Push a coin return button
        + return amount of coins or bills inserted.

What data structures (or storage things) will we need?
    How are we going to model coins/bills in the system
       Some array of coins, 
       Some array of bills
    We will need to keep track of the total deposited (probably float)
       Probably an 2d  array of cans
          - one dimension is the button
          - one dimension is the can 
       A 1d array of  prices for each bin.

      An owner 
          - check inventory
          - check cash
          - add soda
          - replace money
          - remove money
          - location relative to traffic
       An architect/building owner
          - location: relative to resources (electric, drain)
          - dimensions
          - weight
          - power consumption
          - noise and light pollution

Interaction for our program might look like this:
Deposit $1
    Display $1 USD deposited
Deposit 25c USD
    Display $1.25 deposited
Deposit 25c CAN 
    Reject coin
    Display $1.25 deposited
Deposit 25c USD
    Display $1.50 deposited
Push Can Button 1
    Dispense Can from Bin 1

A Functional Decomposition

while not done
   GetCommand (command)
   done = ProcessCommand ( command

GetCommand  -> return command
   Read a command from the input

Process a command
   Parse the command
   if deposit
   else if buttonPush
      Do Error

DoADeposit (amount)
    Validate deposit
    if valid deposit
       Deposited += amount
       reject deposit

    // What data structures do we need down here?