MySQL for this Class
- You have access to a MySQL DBMS
- It is installed on a linux macine CSCI313
- You log into this machine with your regular credentials.
- From outside, you must log into cslab100, cslab101 first.
- I will store files in my account
- ~dbennett/313
- ch2 contains the files needed to create the codd tables for this chapter.
- ls ~dbennett/313/ch2
- cp ~dbennett/313/ch2/* .
- You MySQL account
- Your username should be the same as your system user name.
- Your password should be mmddyyyy of your birthday.
- Accessing the database
- mysql is a command line tool to access the database.
- For interactive use:
- To execute a "script"
- mysql -u username -p < scriptname
- There are many more options to the mysql interface
- We will probably discuss some of them.
- You should read about it
- man mysql
- The pages
- There are other interface options, but we will not explore them this semester
- Kicking the tires
- At this point, you will be working at a command line prompt.
- mysql >
- you just type commands in SQL
- and occasionally some mysql (interface) commands.
- A note on case:
- It does not matter with generic sql reserved words
- SELECT or select or SeLeCT are the same.
- It matters with database names.
- it matters with table names.
- It sort of matters with field (column) names.
- All SQL commands are terminated by a semicolon (;)
- show databses;
- select 3+5;
- show create table dbennett.INVENTORY;
- select CURDATE();
- select * from mysql.user;
- mysql (interface) commands are not
- help
- pager less
- nopager
- source filename (must give full path to filename)
- use database
- The command line in mysql (interface) has editable history
- And you can ask it to d neat things
- pager less
- select * from mysql.user \G
- Must do: Change your password
- set password =PASSWORD("text of password");
- The reference page.
- You have been given a single database.
- This is common in many free or low cost on line server providers
- We will just build multiple tables with different purposes.
- The first set of tables I named to match the exercises (I think)
- So to get started
- Log in
- Change your password
- use username;
- show tables;
- exit;
- Copy the files from my directory to your directory
- Edit and change dbennett to your name
- mysql -u yourname -p < codd1.sql
- mysql -u yourname -p < codd2.sql
- log in again, use the right database
- show tables;
- select * from INVENTORY;