- This is from Widom and Ullman
- A binary tree is a data structure
- One node constitutes the root.
- A node can have 0, 1 or two children
- Nodes have associated values
- A binary search tree is a binary tree with the binary search tree property.
- The left subtree contains values less than or equal to values in the parent.
- The right subtree contains values greater than the value at the root.
- This rule applies recursively
- Binary search trees can, in theory be O(log2n) high.
- Which means that they can be searched in O(log2 n) time.
- Quick calculation of log2(n)
- But they can be as bad as O(n)
- A B-tree or balanced binary tree
- By spending more time inserting and deleting we can spend less time searching.
- The building of a B-tree is beyond the scope of this class.
- But there are several, AVL, Red-Black
- An index of an attribute on a relation allows for efficient searching on that attribute.
- The attribute needs a fixed value.
- SELECT * FROM SKU_DATA WHERE Department = "WaterSports" AND Buyer LIKE "% Smith"
- This will probably examine every tuple in the table.
- Not bad for our table of 10 or so values, but how about one with 100,000 values?
- Notice I did not query on SKU, as this is the primary key
- If we had a second tree, which had things sorted by Department, this might be helpful.
- This could be even more important on a join
- SELECT * from T1, T2 WHERE T1.A = x and T2.B = y
- Instead of crossing T1 &tiems; T2,
- We could form T1.A × T2
- or we could cross T1.A = x × T2.B = y
- Creating Indexes
- MySQL reference
- Don't use it on a primary key, this is already an index.
- Unique values in columns selected are required
- Multiple nulls are permitted.
- Only in MyISAM tables
- Indexing happens across the entire column
- Index Type: BTREE, HASH
- BTREE is available for INNODB
- CREATE INDEX DepartmentIndex on SKU_DATA (Department)
- But we can create an index on multiple attributes as well.
- Indexes can also be created when the table is created.
- The KEY attribute is synonymous for INDEX
- PRIMARY KEY is a unique index.
- Widom states that if compound index keys are used, the final value is
usually a concatenation of the individual components,
- So a search based on the first component using that index will be fast
- So the order of items in an index is important.
- Indexes:
- Speed up searches and joins
- But slow down insert/deletes and updates on the index keys
- From See this page