Homework 1

This homework is worth 50 points.

Please do the following problems:

  1. [2 points each] Starting on Page 59 in the book
    1. 1.3.1
    2. 1.3.2
    3. 1.3.4
    4. 1.4.1
    5. 1.4.2
    6. 1.4.3
    7. 1.4.4
    8. 1.4.5
    9. 1.4.6
    10. 1.5.1 (B only)
    11. 1.5.2 (B only)
    12. 1.5.4
    13. 1.6.1 (B only)
    14. 1.6.2 (B only)
    15. 1.6.3 (B only)
  2. [10 points] Using TKGate produce a circuit which demonstrates the operation of an and, or, not and xor gate. This should be labeled (switches and leds), and include comments which describe the operation and presents the truth table for each gate. Print out a copy of the page containing your circuits and comments, and email me a copy of your .v file(s)

    The purpose of this exercise is for you to learn to use TKGate.

  3. [10 points] Please perform the following computations. Show all work and include unit labels when appropriate. The purpose of this exercise is for you to review SI notation, dimensional analysis, and refresh the mathematical tools needed for performance analysis.
    1. [1 point] How many bits are needed to encode 52 unique op-codes?
    2. [1 point] The Apple II used the MOS 6502 chip, which had a 16 bit program counter. How much memory can be addressed from this PC. State any assumptions you make.
    3. [2 points] The Intel i7-960 processor has a clock speed of 3.20GHz. What is the length of an individual clock cycle?
    4. [2 points] The ENIAC had a clock speed of 100kHz. What is the length of an individual clock cycle?
    5. [2 points] Assume that the ENIAC and the i7-960 can each execute a single instruction in a cycle. How many instructions can the i7 execute in the time it takes the ENIAC to execute a single instruction?
    6. [2 points] An Intel processor had a cycle time of 40 Nanoseconds. What is the clock speed?
Remember, your homework must be typed, and you must show your work.

You are encouraged to use a spreadsheet. If you do so, you may email the spreadsheet to me. Your spreadsheet should be in either Open Office or Excel format. Make sure that your name is on the spreadsheet and all problems are labeled clearly. An easy way to do this is use a separate sheet for each problem.

Please turn in hard copy of your homework by the beginning of class on February 21. In addition, please email copies of your circuits, programs and other original source files to me.