Moore's Law
- Observation in 1965 by Gorden Moore
- The number of transistors on a chip will double every ____
- 1 year (Moore)
- 2 years (later revision)
- 18 Months (current view)
- Often the end is predicted (End in 2018)
- From Pfister, _In search of Clusters_
- It MAY end in 2010
- Cost of chip factories doubles every 3 years.
- Too few electrons to detect
- Effects of quantum mechanics
- Electrons go where they can't go.
- Electrons are in two places at once.
- Pfister doesn't believe it because:
- About 60% of the 154% growth has been due to size changes,
algorithms, techniques, and other such changes have done the
- It has been predicted before, but was not true then.
- It is a long time from now, and we will find a solution.
- Others suggestions
- Increasing chip width .
- Increasing chip thickness.
- New technologies.
- Manufactures are driven to meet Moore's law, it is expected.
- Why should I purchase that new machine if it is not 2x faster.
- A major factor in the increased use of computers.
- Rock's Law
- The cost of capital equipment to build semiconductors will double
every four years.
- $12,000 in 68
- $12,000,000 in late 90's
- In 2035 they will be smaller than an atom and cost more than the
entire wealth of the earth to build.
- Everything points to this ending, or finding a new technology
- Biological computers
- Quantum Computers