Using My Marie Simulation in TKGate
- Setting Up a program
- Create a program in machine language
- Your code must start at memory location 0
- Create a memory file (the extension sould be .mem)
- Instruction from the manual
- blank lines and lines starting with a # are ignored
- Format
HA/w0 w1 ... wn
- HA is an address in hex where the following words will be stored
- wi is a word in hex
- wi will be stored at HA+i
- This is an example from page 176 of the book
- This can be loaded into a memory directly using the Load Memory button
- Or right clicking on the memory and selecting the load memory
- Click on the memory module
- Click on the load memory button
- Click on the memory file
- Memory can also be dumped to a file.
- Setting up a configuration script
- Using a configuration script, you can make it so the machine in
in the proper configuration
- Scripts end in .gss by default
- There are many options detailed in the manual
- The following work well
- load g0.rammem "full path to memory file"
- set Reset 1'b0
- step 400
- set Reset 1'b1
- The first line loads your memory file into the ram
- The second line sets the Reset switch to 0
- The third lines steps 400 epochs
- The third line sets the Reset switch to 1
- The simulation is now ready to run
- An example script
- To load and run a script
- Start the simulation
- Press the execut script button
- I am sure that there are bugs in this machine. If you find one, please
let me know.