seeeeemmmmmmmm = (-1)s1.mmmmmmmm x 2e-16Your program should prompt the user for two floating point numbers, print out the representation for each, add the two numbers, and print out the final representation and decimal equivalent. You must add within the representation system,but you may assume you have a 28 bit register in which to perform the addition.
You should represent your registers (where you store your numbers in the book's representation) as arrays of characters or integers, each can only hold a 1 or 0.
This is worth 30% of this homework score and should be submitted as documented source code, along with instructions for compiling an executing, by email.
You may assume all input is given in the form:
[+/-]d+.d++3.0 is permitted but 3 is not (this is to simplify input, read a char, int, char, int)