Homework 3
You should type this homework. When you are asked to submit a circuit, it
should be in TkGate. Please submit the .v files to dbennett@edinboro.edu.
Please do the following exercises starting on page 124 in the book.
- 1A
- 8 a,b and with a circuit in TkGate
- 9 a,b, and with a circuit in TkGate
- 24, in TkGate please
- 28
- 34, in TkGate please.
- Given a 9 bit number represented in two's compliment, create a
circuit in TkGate which will display the signed decimal value.
- Design, and implement in TkGate a circuit that can be used to test
to see if two circuits are equivalent. Using only and, or and not,
you should output a 1 if the two inputs are the same and a 0 if
they are different.
- Using only and, or, and not gates implement a circuit that performs
an exclusive or of the input. Use the circuit in the previous
exercise to prove that this circuit is equivalent to the
exclusive or gate.
- Using only and, not and or, implement an 8 input multiplexor in
- Using only and, not and or, implement an 8 output multiplexor in