Homework 1
Please do the following exercises starting on page 34 in the book.
- 1
- Please compute the following
- A clock operates at 900MHz, what is the period?
- A clock has a period of 200ps/cycle, whit is it's frequency?
- A computer with a clock operating at 50MHz requires four cycles
to execute an instruction, how many instructions can be executed
in a second? (Express this in terms of MIPS, Millions of Instructions Per Second)
- A manufacturer wishes to have a computer that operates at 1 BIPS
(Billions of Instructions Per Second). They require 5 cycles for each
instruction to complete. How fast must they run their clock?
- 7
- 9
- Read the paper Expanding Moore's Law, the Exponential Opportunity". While
this paper is very pro intel, it provides interesting food for thought.
- Please outline the paper
- State several postulates to Moore's Law (speed, processing power)
- Comment on the side-bar "What role does Moore's Law play today?" on
page 5 (page 7 in the pdf file)
- How do the implications Moore's Law affect computing in general?
- Provide a concise definition of Computer Science. You may
use any definition, but please cite your source if you use a
definition other than your own.