Intro to Architecture

Spring 2004, Final Exam

    New Material (45 points)

  1. Simple Computer (15 points)
    1. Draw a component level diagram of a Program counter which supports branches, and branches with save.
    2. Label and describe the function of all components.
    3. Label and describe the control lines needed for this unit to operate.
    4. Describe how to increment your program counter using the control lines
    5. Describe how to perform a jump using your control lines. (You are only concerned about the PC, not the other portions of the computer)
  2. Register Transfer Notation
    1. (5 points) Give the RTN to implement the command ADDIMM NUM which adds the value of num to the value stored in the accumulator and stores the result in the accumulator.
  3. Cache
    1. (5 points) State the principle of locality. Discuss how this principle relates to cache.
    2. (6 points) Describe the following three types of cache misses. State conditions where each can occur.
      • Compulsory
      • Collision
      • Capacity
    3. (5 points) Describe how direct mapped cache operates. Assume 16 cache locations and a 10 bit address. Draw a diagram, label and give the sizes of all parts. Make sure that you describe the importance of all parts of the diagram.
    4. (4 points) How does N-way set associative cache address the problems of the other two cache methods?
  4. Pipelining
    1. (5 points) Assume you have a machine with 5 stages, (IF, DEC, ALU, MEM, WB), draw a timing diagram that shows how instructions are executed. Assume there are no stalls.

    Old Material (55 points)

    1. Hardware/Software
      1. (3 points) State the principle of equivalence of hardware and software.
    2. Floating Point Numbers
      1. (3 points) Define Precision
      2. (3 points) Define Gap
    3. Assume a 10 bit number system, 1 sign bit, 4 bit excess 8 exponent, without an implied leading bit in the mantissa.
      1. (2 points) Draw a diagram (and label the parts) of how such a number would be stored.
      2. (4 points) Give the smallest (in magnitude) negative number that can be represented in this system. (Give both representation and decimal value, but you need not give the exact decimal value a x 2n is acceptable)
      3. (4 points) represent 0.125 in this system.
      4. (4 points) What floating point number is represented by 34416 in this system?
    4. Flip-Flops and Registers
      1. (5 points) Describe a D flip-flop. Draw a non-trivial timing diagram which demonstrates the behavior of a this flip-flop.
      2. (5 points) Draw a 4 bit register using D flip-flops.
    5. Addition
      1. (4 points) Using and, or, not, and exclusive or gates draw a full adder.
      2. (4 points) Using the full adder from the previous question, draw a 4 bit ripple carry adder
      3. (4 points) Using the ripple carry adder from the previous question, draw an ALU that takes two 4 bit numbers and a 1 bit control line and computes the sum of the numbers if the control line contains a 1 and the difference if the control line contains a 0.
    6. Integer Representation
      1. (2 points) Describe 8 bit sign magnitude representation.
      2. (3 points) Describe two advantages of twos compliment representation over sign magnitude.
    7. Computer Architecture
      1. (5 points) Write a short essay describing one of the following
        • Computer Architecture
        • Computer Organization
        • Why I should have 5 points free.