The Last (I Think) Low Level Circuits
- The demo file.
- Transistors
- A transistor is an electronic switch
- There are two types, NPN and PNP
- Each has a Base, an Emitter and a Collector
- The current at the base controls the switch
- When the switch is enabled current flows from the collector to the emitter
- For a PNP
- When no charge is applied to the base, a current flows from the emitter to the collector.
- When a charge is applied, no current flow occurs.
- For an NPN
- When no charge is applied to the base, no flow occurs.
- When a charge is applied to the base, current flows.
- The 32 core AMD Epyc has nearly 20x109 or 20,000,000,000 transistors.
- Circuits from transistors.
- RS filp Flop
- D Flip Flop
- A register.