Chapter 5, Further File I/0 Details
- Look at the picture on page 95.
- The File Descriptor table contains
- A few flags (Close On Exec)
- A pointer into the Open File Table.
- The Open File Table contains
- The current offset
- Note, this is not per process
- Or per file descriptor.
- Most of the flags set by open
- The file mode
- A reference to the i-node table
- The i-node table connects to the real file
- Includes the file type (regular, directory, fifo, ...)
- Any "locks" on the file
- Properties, including file size, time stamps, permissions, ...
- Truncate
- man 2 truncate
- Will set the length of a file to a given length.
- Note two forms, truncate and ftruncate
- mkstemp
- Because of race conditions, making temporary files is challenging
- Search the directory for a unused temporary name.
- Open the file.
- mkstemp solves this problem
- int mkstemp(char *template);
- The last 6 characters of the template should be XXXXXX
- These will be replaced with a unique random pattern.
- The file is opened
- READ/Write user, no other permissions
- Typically the call is followed by unlink
- When the file descriptor is closed, the file will go away.
- Look at tmpMaker.C
- There are other topics in this chapter, large files, non-blocking i/o, gather/scatter but we will skip these.