CSCI 311: Script and Systems Programming
Welcome to CSCI 311, Section 1, Spring 2017. In this class we will study interacting with the operating system through programs. This will include a study of the application programming interface (API) for linux/unix and an examination of script programming. The focus of this class is to produce utility programs to solve systems administration problems.
Students are expected to produce working programs in all programming environments discussed in this class. As such you are expected to understand basic programming concepts and be able to adapt to new languages and new environments.
This class meets MWF 11:00 to 11:50 in Ross Hall room 139.
"I am the instructor of record for this class. Only the instructor of record for this class can issue a final grade."
- Homework Amnisty: From April 24 until April 30 I am announcing a homework amnisty. If you have missed a submission or correction, you may submit it during this period and I will grade it with no associated penalty.