- Python is a general purpose scripting language...
- Designed as an interpreted language
- It is designed to use libraries and packages
- There is probably a package for whatever you are planning on working on
- C intended the programmer to be aware if they were going to do something which was expensive.
- A single line of code corresponds to a few lines of assembly code.
- That is not the case with python.
- A single line of code can correspond to thoulsands of lines of assembly code.
- Python is
- A prototyping language
- The glue that holds many scientific computing projects together
- A scripting language
- An embedded language
- The language for the small computing (one laptop per child, some Raspberry Pi releases, Dylan and his robot, ....)
- Python is a dynamic typed language
- Everything is python has a type.
- Variables do not need to be declared.
- But the types are only enforced when it is necessary
- Sort of a "I don't care until I need to care" atitiude.
- I use python
- To transform data. (My Geocaching pages)
- To perform some grading tasks (in place of bash, but ...)
- To build user interfaces and portable programs.
- For quick problem solving.
- Versions
- see this page for more information
- Python 2.x is a historic version of python, but is still in use in many places.
- Many linux distros still use this version for heavy lifting.
- Many libraries are only available for this verions.
- Python 3.x is the current version
- It represents a more consistant version of the language
- It is the version under development and the growing language
- Types in python.
- Names are bound to objects
- Think identifier
- Same legal scheme.
- You know python (with a reference)
- Take a look at
- Take a look at