Homework 8, Let's Climb a Tree

This homework is worth 15 points.


When you finish this homework you should:


Please do problem 18-7 page 373.

You program should be called treestat and should process all directories passed in as arguments. If no argument is present then the current directory should be the starting point.

For each directory specified on the command line your program should produce the following report

An example might be
%  treestat /home
	Block	         0	 0%
	Char		 0	 0%
	Dir	       100       9%
	Pipe		 2       0%
	Reg	      1000      90%
	Socket		 1       0%
	Symlnk	         8       0%

Please note, you should not process the special files . or ..

When you are finished email a compressed tar file containing your code, a Makefile and a README file to your instructor. Please do not include executable or object files in your submission.