const int BUF_SIZE = 256; int main() { char name[BUF_SIZE]; if (-1 == gethostname(name, BUF_SIZE)) { cout << "Failed to get the host name " << endl; } else { cout << "The host name is " << name << endl; }
if (somecall() == -1) { printf("somecall() failed\n"); if (errno == ...) { ... } }
if (somecall() == -1) { errorSave = errno; printf("somecall() failed\n"); if (errorSave == ...) { ... } }
if (-1 == gethostname(name, 0)) { cout << "Failed to get the host name " << endl; } else { cout << "The host name is " << name << endl; } cout << "errno is " << errno << endl;
if (-1 == gethostname(name, 0)) { perror("gethostbyename failed"); strcpy(name, "UNKNOWN"); } cout << "The host name is " << name << endl;