History of Unix/Linux
- OS: Two meanings
- The program that manages the resources of a computer
- This is the operating system proper
- In unix/linux terms we call this the kernel.
- It is the thing that
- Manages processes (running programs)
- Manages the file system
- Maintains security
- Interacts with devices
- The kernel along with all of the associated utilities
- Shells
- utilities (ls, awk, sed, more, less, ...)
- Applications (compilers, editors, ...)
- The same is true of UNIX
- Any Operating system that has passed the official conformance tests by the Open Group.
- Any Unix like operating system.
- First developed by Ken Thompson
- Written in assembly language
- On a PDP-7
- The name is a play on an OS he had worked on MULTICX
- At AT&T
- Rewritten in PDP-11 assembly language
- Rewritten in 1973 to be mostly in C
- C was developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T
- Followed from an earlier language B, which followed from BCPL
- Designed to provide access to low level memory
- And to provide constructs that map efficiently to machine instructions
- It was written to develop OS (UNIX)
- "Like the UNIX operating system itself, C was designed by professional programmers for their own use."
- Some UNIX highlights from the book
- 1971 First Edition: ar, cat, chmod, chown, cp ,dc ,ed, find, ln, ls, mail, mkdir, mv, rm, sh, su who
- Quick look at man.
- man subject
- man -k subject, man -k bc
- main section title , man 1p bc
- 1972 Second Edition: installed on 10 machines inside ATT
- 1973 Third Edition: Included the C compiler and pipes
- 1973 November Fourth Edition: Written "almost totally" in C
- 1974 Fifth Edition, installed on more that 50 machines.
- 1975 Sixth Edition, Distribution outside of AT&T
- The UNIX Time-Sharing System a paper published in Communications of the ACM, 1974.
- "Perhaps the most important achievement of UNIX is to demonstrate that a powerful operating system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human effort: UNXI can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000 and less than two man years were spent on the main system software"
- Look at the last page: the fifth most popular program was chess
- At this time AT&T had a monopoly (The phone system)
- They were not permitted to sell software.
- So they provided UNIX to universities at a very low license fee.
- Many universities took advantage of this
- Code to use in OS class
- Platform for OS research and implementation.
- A low cost interactive multi user operating system.
- 1979 Seventh Edition
- awk, make, sed, tar, uucp, sh
- Thompson spent at year at University of California Berkeley
- Many additions were created
- csh, vi , fast berkeley file system, sendmail, ...
- This became the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)
- BSD 2 was just a series of utilities and patches to UNIX
- BSD 3 was a full release
- 4.X was a full release with 4.2 becoming a standard of sorts.
- This became a basis for SunOS and others.
- You were required to get a UNIX license, then you could get BSD on tapes :)
- In 1982 AT&T was broken up by federal government pressure
- 7 regional bell systems
- Unix went with Bell Labs, at AT&T
- And started to sell UNIX, and closed the source
- UNIX System V (SVR4) became somewhat of a standard
- This led Richard Stallman to start the GNU project
- GNU : GNU's Not Unix
- Free software movement
- Free Software Manifesto
- Upset that you could no longer study and modify the code
- Oh and "Software sellers want to divide the users and conquer them, making each user agree not to share with others. I refuse to break solidarity with other users in this way. I cannot in good conscience sign a nondisclosure agreement or a software license agreement."
- And concludes "In the long run, making programs free is a step toward the postscarcity world, where nobody will have to work very hard just to make a living. People will be free to devote themselves to activities that are fun, such as programming, after spending the necessary ten hours a week on required tasks such as legislation, family counseling, robot repair and asteroid prospecting. There will be no need to be able to make a living from programming."
- At the same time, there were many professional versions of UNIX developed
- AIX - ibm
- Sun - SunOS and later SOLARIS
- HPUX - hp
- Digital - Ultrix, OSF/1, Dec Unix
- UNIX was sold to NOVEL
- In 1993 NOVEL transferred to UNIX license to X/Open Consortium
- Which merged with the OSF to form the Open Group.
- In 1995 Novel sold the System V license to SCO
- And then there were lawsuits.
- Linux Kernel produced by Linus Torvalds
- 1991
- A Finnish CS student.
- Released under the GNU license
- Used many of the GNU tools.
- Working with Minux an os teaching tool.
- BSD continued as a unix like os as well
- But lawsuits and threats from various parties sort of stiffeled it.