Email Attacks
- Email is easy to fake,
- But much harder than it was 40 years ago.
- Even if only 0.1% of 100,000 messages yield a result that is 100
- So it is not going to stop.
- Estimates are as high as 86% of all email is spam.
- Why Spam?
- Even if only a small percentages is effective ...
- Advertising
- Malicious Payload
- Links to Malicious Web Pages
- Scams and other forms of exploitation.
- Can SPAM be made illegal?
- Numerous countries have tried.
- But jurisdiction is a problem
- Spammers just move outside of the area.
- Fake Addresses and other information
- Again, while it is better, it is still possible to fake from and reply to addresses.
- This is true with other information as well.
- SMTP - Send Mail Transport Protocol was defined in another era
- And even though it has been updated, it is based on trust.
- phishing
- Email that tries to trick a user into sending private data or other tasks.
- spear phishing - targeted phishing