- We already discussed "User Vigilance" on page 197.
- Even though I made fun of some of it, the section is worth a read.
- And you should practice the techniques listed there.
- Virus Detectors
- These scan code, especially in locations known to harbor viruses.
- They look for known virus patterns.
- But
- They only look for patterns that are known.
- New viruses escape detection until their patterns are
- Recognized
- Added to the list of signatures
- Distributed to machines running the virus checkers.
- And this gives the new virus developer hours to days.
- The patterns are fixed
- Small patterns are easy.
- But longer patterns can contain more variation.
- And can have random internal mutation to avoid virus detectors.
- Symantec (Norton) announced in 2014 that antivirus technology is dead ((Summary, not actual article)
- Only effective against 45% of viruses.
- But the book authors note
- 45% is still better than 0.
- And they are selling additional monitoring and professional assistance.
- Code analysis
- This is much more difficult.
- Remember, we are looking at machine code, not high level code.
- So the code under examination is much less meaningful.
- And the code must be examined in a line by line manner.
- And this might have to be reconstructed from a memory dump.
- The book points out, this is equivalent to working with a microscope and tweezers.
- And is very difficult work that depends heavily on human ingenuity
- Storage in files
- Another method of detecting a virus is attempting to find where it is stored in the file.
- Countermeasures for developers
- Software engineering
- Write code that is
- written in small, self-contained units.
- This limits the impact from other components failing.
- They say that you should write modules that are
- Small
- Single purpose
- Simple
- Independent
- This assists with
- Maintenance
- Understandability
- Reuse
- Correctness
- Testing.
- Modules should be highly cohesive
- They have a logical and function reason for being grouped.
- The single purpose.
- Coupling describes how the units depend on each other.
- Ideally, loose coupling is better than tight coupling
- In the end, software should employ the following concepts
- Encapsulation: hide the implementation details
- Information Hiding: Keep internal data internal.
- Mutual Suspicion: Trust other program elements as little as possible. Even stronger for other programs.
- Confinement: Limit the availability of resources and data available to programs. This should be just what they need.
- Simplicity: Everyone involved should be able to understand what is happening.
- Design through implementation.
- Tricky code is broken code.
- Diversity
- A single point of failure is bad.
- Multiple vendors, multiple environments.
- Heartbleed
- A buffer over-read flaw in software.
- In the OpenSSL library
- Allowed the theft of private keys, cookies and passwords.
- The book reports that over 66% of the sites using ssl were using OpenSSL.
- Testing
- Code
- They describe various forms of testing.
- But the real problem is for cybersecurity we need to test
"The system will do this, and nothing more".
- The first part is hard.
- The second part is very hard.
- They list "ingredients" for testing systems
- Product expertise: You need to understand the product being tested.
- Coverage: You must test everything, but you probably can't do this.
- Risk Analysis: What are the most critical pieces to test and what can go seriously wrong?
- Domain expertise: You need to know the background of the product. (Accounting techniques, scientific facts, ... ) related to the product.
- Common vocabulary: You need to be able to talk to the users and the developers.
- Variation: You need to explore beyond the expected.
- Boundaries: You can't test forever, decide what the limits are.
- Finally, testing
- Only shows that bugs exist, it can not show that they do not exist.
- Becomes more difficult, or impossible, in larger more complex environments.
- Needs to be comprehensive, both white and black box, both internal structure and interactions.