- Cryptanalysis
- The cryptanalyst's job is to break encryption.
- Ie given the encrypted text, recover the plaintext.
- Find the encryption algorithm and potentially the key.
- This would allow the decryption of future messages.
- A cryptanalyst must know
- Encryption and decryption algorithms.
- Mathematical and statistical tools
- Languages
- Other items as well.
- Work Factor
- An encryption algorithm is breakable if when given enough time and data, an analyst can determine the algorithm.
- While it might be theoretically possible to break a message it might be practically impossible.
- As we saw with passwords.
- The difficulty in breaking the encryption of a message is called the work factor
- The goal is to have the work factor higher than value of the encrypted message.
- They point out that there are shortcuts around breaking messages
- Flaws in implementation
- Misuse by operators
- Theft or discovery of keys
- Advances in technology
- "In cryptanalysis there are no rules: Any action is fair play"
- Problems with symmetric encryption systems
- Symmetric key systems are sometimes called private key systems.
- P = D(K, E(K, P))
- Both parties must know the keys to encrypt and decrypt the message.
- Thus the key must be private/secret.
- Authenticity, secrecy, are only maintained as long as the key is private.
- A major problem comes in the exchange of the key.
- How do I secretly communicate the key without a key?
- But also in key management.
- I need one unique key for everyone with whom I wish to communicate.
- In asymmetric systems
- Typically there is a public key and a private key.
- If I wish to send you a message, I use your public key to encrypt it.
- You publish this so it is available to everyone.
- Messages encrypted with this key must be decrypted with the private key.
- Thus no one but you can read the message I sent,
- If you wish to prove who you are, you send a message encrypted with your private key.
- Your public key can be used to decrypt this.
- So any message decrypted with your public key must have been encrypted with your private key.
- In general, key management is a major issue in cybersecurity.
- The creation, exchange, and maintenance of keys.
- Stream vs Block Cipher
- If a cipher can process data one letter at a time, it is a stream cipher.
- Some ciphers require larger chunks of data.
- These are called block ciphers
- Block ciphers are in general harder to break.
- They tend to work in block sizes that are a power of two.
- They mix data inside the block.
- And they can change from block to block.
- On page 95 there is a comparison of stream and block ciphers.