Lab: PwnKit
The goal of this step is to understand how to stop this exploit.
Step 5: Mitigation and Correction
How do I tell if someone has used this exploit?
IN this case the POC has a telltale signature
grab a window
su to bob
as bob
sudo -i
cd /var/log
grep shell auth.log
Alice is using an unlisted shell
when she runs the exploit.
The system notices this and logs it.
The intruder could easily clean up the logs if they cared.
Or with a little more work could clean up the exploit.
The immediate mitigation for this exploit is to disable pkexec
look at the permissions on pkexec
ls -l /usr/bin/pkexec
It is owned by root.
The user execute bit is a lower case s
This means that when it runs, it runs as root.
This is called the setuser-id bit.
The recommended short term fix is to disable this
chmod 0755 /usr/bin/pkexec
This will remove the setuser-id bit
But this effectively means that pkexec will not run.
This is probably not a big problem.
You will need to gain permissions from sudo
Which is a problem for someone who doesn't know how to use the terminal.
IE a user who completely relies on GUI management.
The software has been patched
So the proper fix is to upgrade your system.
For this and all of the other security problems you seen.
A note on the exploit:
This is just one of many possible attacks this hole provides.
In this case, they set the shell to be "pwnkit"
Which is not a valid shell.
And some things don't work well, like vi
Jason used a simple editing program called "sed" to alter the /etc/group file and add alice to the sudo group.
I just used "su - " to get the full environment.
Again, this is insufficient for a novice hacker, but someone with serviceable knowledge can gain access.