- Harm is the negative consequences of an actualized threat. (from the book)
- Loss of a computer, file, access, ....
- The loss of confidentiality or access of some assets is clear harm
- But the loss of some might not be so clear
- Ie a photo with something in the background that shouldn't be there.
- They point out that the only evaluation you might be able to put on assets is somewhere on the scale from minuscule to moderate to extremely high.
- Or you might just rate them relative to some other asset.
- They point out a study by Symantec of prices of things on underground web sites.
- I found this site but can't vouch for accuracy.
- Risk and common sense
- They point out that "threats are practically unlimited because devising an attack requires an active imagination, determination, persistence and time."
- Ie smart, hard working ,imaginative people
- They think up new things.
- Throw in natural disasters and other failings and cyber security is a nearly impossible task.
- You can't protect against everything.
- This is true in life as well
- you can become so overrun with fear you will not go outside of your bedroom.
- We can only "live" because we accept some level of risk
- We prioritize our risks and manage the important ones.
- The same is true of computing.
- Where possible we identify threats
- Analyze the possibility of harm
- Do our best to control this, or recover if it happens.
- This is hard to do
- They define residual risk is risk that remains uncovered by controls.
- Or the risk we accept with hopeful thinking.
- Sidebar 1-3 discusses the impact of security breaches on a company
- Research indicates that breaches have limited impact on long term company performance.
- Method - Motive - Opportunity
- Method: think tool, knowledge, ability ...
- Motive: Why? Just for fun, revenge, profit
- Opportunity: