Homework 3, Feedback
- ALL header information should be correct.
- You should follow all instructions.
- Including delete the instructions.
- Delete sections that are not used.
- If there is feedback, I uploaded your word document with the weird D2L file name.
- If you struggle reading, please work on this.
- If you struggle following instructions, you need to work on this as well.
- In general, if you have a file and can process it one time, do so. Don't loop through files multiple times.
- Your structure chart should be done with software.
- You should learn how to use word
- Table of contents.
- Page breaks.
- Section headers
- Please do not delete the page breaks in the document template.
- In general, please try to name your routines after what they do.
- There are a lot of example designs in the book starting in chapter 8. Look these over.