OpenInputFile Read a line from the file while(the input was successful) Type = Classify Palindrome(line) Print Classification Read a line from the file Close the input file
Prompt user for file name Attempt to open the file If unable to open the file print an error
if IsPalindrom(line) return that it is a "Perfect Palindrom" else Strip the punctuation from the line Change the line to lower case if IsPalindrom(line) return that it is a "Natural Palindrom" else Strip all but alphabetic characters from the line if IsPalindrom(line) return that it is a "Palindrom" else return that it is a "Non-palindrome"
for each letter in the string if the letter is upper case, convert it to lower case.
set return value to blank for each letter in the string if it is not punctuation, add it to the return string return the return string.
set return value to blank for each letter in the string if it is an alphabetic character, add it to the return string return the return string.
returnValue = true for each letter between position 0 and size/2 if the letter does not match the letter the same distance from the other end returnValue = false; return returnValue
print quotes print the line print quotes print classification print newline