- Basic Definitions
- What is an identifier?
- What is are the rule (syntax) for declaring an identifier?
- What are the local conventions for declaring an identifier?
- What is the difference between syntax and convention?
- What is a variable?
- What is a constant?
- What is a named constant?
- Data types
- What are the simple data types you know?
- What are the operations on these data types?
- What are the ranges for these data types?
- What are the complex data types you know?
- What are the operations on these data types?
- What is a preprocessor directive?
- What preprocessor directive must you use to employ these complex data types?
- Flow of control
- Give the syntax for the control structures you know.
- Give the flow of control for each.
- Give an example of usage for each.
- Functions
- What is a function?
- What is a function prototype?
- What is a function invocation or call?
- What is a function declaration?
- What is a formal parameter?
- What is an actual parameter or argument?
- What is pass by value, or a value parameter?
- What is pass by reference or a reference parameter?
- Design
- What is top down (functional decomposition) design?
- What is bottom up (object oriented) design?
- Describe the waterfall software design method.
- Implementation
- What is a text editor?
- What is a compiler?
- Describe the compilation process, name functions and input/output files