Homework 0, The Rules of the Game

Short Description:

Use the grading guidelines to critique code. This assignment is worth 15 points.


When you finish this homework, you should:

Formal Description

For the program critique, go through the guidelines, one at a time and see where the programs follow, or violate the guideline. There should be 15 points for each program, state if the program follows or violates the point. Give lines of code where this occurs. If a point is not applicable, state this.

Finally, give a summary of which program is easier to debug, understand and modify and why. For example, all three programs contain a bug, where if the player guesses in incorrect letter repeatedly, it counts against them. What if you wanted to modify this code so that it told them they had already guessed that letter? (3 points)

Remember, you documents must be produced in a professional manner. This includes employing a word processor and a drawing package to produce these documents.

You should print your document and turn it in at the beginning of class on the due date.