Homework 1, Game Design

Short Description:

Perform a design of Homework 2

This assignment is worth 10 points.


When you finish this homework, you should:

Formal Description

Develop a design for Homework 2. This design should consist of the following elements: A full design will include all of the portions listed above.

Remember, you documents must be produced in a professional manner. This includes employing a word processor and a drawing package to produce these documents.

You should print your document and turn it in at the beginning of class on the due date.

We will be covering structures and enumerated types in the next two days. We will cover random number generation in this time period as well. You should begin your design first. These features have little impact on design, and more on implementation.

Date Due
Jan 30 Assignment Given
Feb 4 Student Question
Feb 6 Design Due
Feb 18 Program Due