Class Implementation (Please read the entire problem before beginning)
For this problem, you will implement a class which contains the geometric object square. A square is a polygon with four sides of equal length and all angles are 90 degrees. The length of a side must be at least 0. The program to use your class will need to compute the perimeter (P) and area (A) of the square. If l is the length of a side, P = 4l and A = l2
- [2 points] Define the Square ADT.
- [3 points] Give the code to define the SquareT class (as in a header file).
- [3 points] Give the code to implement the SquareT class (as in a source code file)
- [2 points] Give code to declare an instance of the class SquareT, assign a value to the side, and print out the area and parimiter. This code should not perform computations directly, that should be done by the SquareT class.