Homework 9, I've got them on my list.

Short Description:

Write a program which maintains a list of naughty, nice and unclassified clients.

This assignment is worth 100 points.


When you finish this homework, you should:

Formal Description

You have been hired by a non-profit organization to assist in classifying it's clients as naughty or nice. The organization maintains surveillance of clients constantly, recording a log entry for each occurrence of naughty-ness and nice-ness observed. This log entry contains an integer representing the severity of the entry, negative for naughty, positive for nice, the client's name, enclosed in quotes, and a brief description of the observed behavior. The following is an example of several log entries:
 -3 "Mr. Jones"  broke a bat on Johnny's head
 -4 "Adam" hid a frog in sister's bed
  5 "Ms. M" Played nice with others
-15 "Nate" spilled some ink on Mommy's rug
 -4 "Mattie" made Tommy eat a bug
-12 "Eric" bought some gum with a penny slug
  1 "Chip" Taught someone how to do math.
 -4 "Stevie" Put a tack on teacher's chair
-10 "David" Tied a knot in Suzy's hair
 -2 "Eddie" did a dance on Mommy's plants
 -8 "Brett Maverick" Filled that sugar bowl with ants
 10 "Dan" Allowed students to turn in really late corrections to programs 
You should process the file observations.log to create naughty, nice and neutral lists. Naughty clients have a total negative score, nice clients have a positive score and neutral clients have a score of zero. There may be multiple entries for a client, which may necessitate a move from one list to another.

The supervisor of the agency needs a copy of the lists, sorted by client score, to be produced after each run of the program. The list should include a title, followed by client name and score, one client per line. Write the lists to the files naughty.txt, nice.txt, and unknown.txt.


Required Files

You should submit the following in a tar file: You should not submit


Please create a tar file containing the files described above. Email this file to danbennett360@gmail.com by class time of the due date.