
Homework assignments will be posted here as they are assigned.

Homework in this class is intended to provide students practice with the concepts discussed in class and in the book. True understanding is only available with practice.

Homework must be turned in on the assigned due date. No late homework will be accepted.

Homework will consist of both programming and written assignments. All work should be performed in a professional manner.

Programs should:

Written homework should:

Each homework will have a point value assigned to it. I expect to have 5-10 small homeworks worth 5-10 points each and three to five larger homework problems worth 30-50 points each.

Some homework assignments may have extra credit components.

Officially, I do not accept late homework. I sometimes bend this rule, but if I do so, I will most likely apply the following:

Late homework will receive a percentage of the lowest score for homework submitted on time, or of those submitted late before it. For example if Sue submits a program on time, but receives a 70%, Bill who turns in a program late can only receive a maximum of 70%. If he has errors worth 20% (or should have received an 80%), he will only receive a 56% (.7*.8). If Jane submits the assignment later then Bill, the maximum score she can receive is 56%, and this again will be further reduced for mistakes, so if she receives a 60%, her score will be 34%.

If you turn your assignment in on time or early, you may at your option, resubmit it once after performing corrections and receive a higher score. This option is not available to late submissions, or to submissions judged by the instructor to be simply place holders for late homework. The original late score still applies for others submitting late work.