- Simple Types
- bitwise operators
- << shift left
- << shift right
- &
- |
- ^ (xor)
- ~ invert.
- ? operator
- expressionA ? expressionB : expressionC
- Evaluate expressionA, if true return (execute) expressionB,
else return(execute) expressoinC
- Character stuff
- #include <cctype>
- bool: isupper(ch), islower(ch)
- isalpha, ...
- see man isupper
- ch - '0' - to convert to o
- toupper
- tolower
- strings
- string AWord = "Hello"
- AWord[2] is l
- AWord[0] is H
- Write a program that tests for palindromes
- Floating Point
- Precision, gap, roundoff error
- Largest and Smallest Number
- a choose b (a!)/(a-b)!b!, or multiply and divide in the right order
- Enumerated type
- enum identifier {identifier, ... identifier}
- enum Days {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday};