Getting Started on CSLAB-41
- Your Username and Password
- You hav multiple accounts
- CSLAB - windows
- CSLAB - unix
- Username f######l
- default password mmddyy
- <CTRL><ALT><DEL> on windows
- passwd on unix
- Pick a good password
- Connecting
- Start teraterm pro
- Host to connect to :
- logon with username and password
- Notice the statistics when you logon (usage, uptime, ...)
- You are currently in your home directory.
- We will deal with this later, but for now just work here
- Change your password (passwd command)
- Start the joe editor
- You have many choices here.
- joe just starts joe
- joe -help starts joe with a help menu
- joe myfile will edit myfile
- joe -help myfile will edit myfile with the help menu
- Joe commands you must know
- ^KX - save and quit
- ^C - exit no save
- ^KD - save no exit
- You can use the arrow keys to move around.
- Non control character, just type em.
- edit a file, save it, exit joe
- ls shows the files in your directory
- man ls tells us how to use the ls command.
- To logout exit
- mail
- There are a number of email clients on *NIX boxes
- pine is probably the easiest to use
- It is mostly menu driven.
- pine at the command prompt
- Compose a message
- to address
- cc address
- attach files
- subject
- message
- .forward
- If you don't want to read your mail in the cs deparetment
- create a file in your home directory called .forward
- put the address you want all of your mail to go to in this file.
- test it.
- lynx
- lynx is a non-graphial web browser
- You can use it to download files from a web page. (like mine)
- commands
- g - goto url
- arrow keys to go forward and backwords
- d - to save (download ) a file
- q to quit