Please answer each question fully, carefully and thoughtfully.
No credit will be given for unreadable answers, please write neatly.
Answer the questions in any order, but please number each answer.
Make sure that your name is on your test.
(3 points) Define the type boolean, describe the operations c++ supports
on booleans
(3 points) Give the syntax for an if-then-else statement.
(3 points) State the flow of control for an if-then-else statement.
(3 points) Give the syntax for a while statement.
(3 points) State the flow of control for a while statement.
(9 points) The file temp.dat contians a series of floating point numbers
that represent the temprature over a period of time. Write a program
that will print the average temprature for this time period.
(6 points) Gauss observed that the sum of the first n integers
is (n+1)*n/2.
ie 1+2+3+4 = 10 = 5*4/2
Write a program which will prove this for all positive integers less than 100