#include #include using namespace std; const int FEDERAL_POVERTY_LEVEL{12880}; const int WEEKS_IN_A_YEAR{52}; int main() { float hoursWorked{0}, hourlyWage{0}, annualWage{0}; cout << "Enter your hourly wage => "; cin >> hourlyWage ; cout << endl; cout << "Enter the hours worked per week => "; cin >> hoursWorked; cout << endl; annualWage = hoursWorked * hourlyWage * WEEKS_IN_A_YEAR; cout << fixed << setprecision(2); cout << "A person making $" << annualWage << " is "; if ( annualWage <= FEDERAL_POVERTY_LEVEL) { cout << "at or below"; } else { cout << "above"; } cout << " the poverty level." << endl; return 0; }