The three tests will be approximately every fourth week. These tests will consist of material from class, the book, and assigned homework. Tests will include short answer, essay and programming questions.
Students who complete and understand the programming assignments before the test on the material used in that program will have a significant advantage on the tests.
Test | Chapters | Week | Date |
1 | 1-2 | 4 | September 16 |
2 | 3-4 | 7 | October 14 |
3 | 5-7 | 12 | November 8 |
Final | Everything | 15 | December 14 |
The final is scheduled for Wednesday Dec 14 at 12:30.
Please note, the dates and material are subject to change. Details on the tests will be formalized two or three days before the test in class.
Students who miss a test will be given a make up only in the case of well documented emergencies. In any case, the content and difficulty of the make up test will be different from that of the original test. I reserve the right to substitute the final exam score for a missed test.