Finish of Chapter 1
- Programming Languages:
- Syntax: the rules for constructing a statement in a language. The structure of that language.
- This will be an early source of problems for you early on
- Semantics: What you are saying. This is the larger source of errors later on.
- We will learn the syntax of C++
- This consists of
- The reserved words (Appendix A, P 985)
- Operators (Appendix B, P 986)
- User defined identifiers
- We will learn the principles of programming in most languages
- This consists of
- Identifying and declaring useful variables, data structures, and functions
- Employing control structures such as:
- Loops
- Selection
- Subprograms
- Problem solving techniques:
- our main tool will be divide and conquer
- We will break the problem down into small, manageable portions
- We will also employ patterns
- It is important to study examples to see if they apply to our problems.
- Please read chapter 1.
- Additional Algorithms: