Representing Data, Some Ideas
- So we have the basics of binary down.
- This will do for positive integers.
- But what about other data?
- A quick discussion of data vs information
- Data is basic values or facts.
- Information is data that has been organized or processed in a useful manner.
- Data is somehow raw as opposed to information which has probably been processed.
- We will look at different types of data
- Numbers: integers, signed integers, real numbers.
- Text: letters and more
- Audio data: briefly
- Images and Graphics: again briefly
- Video: very quickly
- I don't care too much about compression at this stage.
- Analog vs Digital
- We believe that we live in a continuous world.
- Therefore we can have continuous data.
- We call this analog data.
- However computers are definitely not continuous.
- In this world, we represent data in a discrete manner.
- What?
- Take a paint brush with two different colors of paint on the sides.
- Blend this across the page.
- There will be MANY MANY different colors, smoothly transitioning between the two colors
- (
- This is analog.
- In the digital world, we might represent
- brown as $CC6E10_{16}$ (204, 110, 16)
- yellow as $E6BC5A_{16}$ (230, 188, 90)
- See This app.
- Or there are about
- 26 steps of red between the two
- 78 steps of green between the two.
- 74 steps of blue between the two.
- Frequently we discuss the difference as position vs numbers.
- Think about a thermometer.
- On an analog thermometer you judge the temp by position.
- If you can read it more accurately, you can get more levels of precision.
- But on a digital thermometer, you only get the digits provided.
- Digitize: the act of converting analog information to digital.
- Why Digital? Why Binary?
- This is an idealized representation of two signals
- In the "digital" signal, it is easy to differentiate the two different values.
- Even in the case of signal degradation.
- Number of digital representation.
- If I want to give a binary code name to two people, how many digits do I need?
- How about 4?
- Is there a pattern here?
- If I have $n$ binary digits, I can name, or encode, $2^n$ things.
- Look at the different permutations of 3 bits, 4 bits, ...
- In the other direction if I have $k$ things to represent I will need $n = \lceil \log_2k\rceil$ bits.
- If $k = 2^n, \log_2k = n$