Homework 4, Chapter 3.

Short Description:

Terms and Ideas from Chapter 3.


When you finish this homework, you should have:

Formal Description

Please start a word document and answer/respond to the following.
  1. Define the following terms:
    1. Digital Data
    2. Analog Data
    3. Digitize
  2. In Four bit two's compliment
    1. Represent:
      1. 5
      2. -3
      3. -8
      4. 0
    2. Convert to decimal:
      1. 1010
      2. 1000
      3. 0001
    3. Add 5 and -3. Do this in 4 bit two's compliment.
  3. What is numeric overflow and when does it occur?
  4. How are floating point numbers represented in binary?
  5. What is round off error and when does it occur?

Required Files

A single word document containing the answers to the questions and prompts. Please use word format, other formats will receive a reduction in points.


Submit the assignment to the D2L folder Homework 4 by the due date.