A Loan Example
- An installment loan is where you borrow
- A specific amount of money (P, the principal)
- For a fixed number of payments per year (n)
- For a fixed number of years (t)
- At a fixed interest rate (r)
- If you take MATH104, I care that you can use the formula
- But in CS104 I would really rather have you forget the formula.
- Typical installment loans
- A car loan
- A boat loan
- A mortgage or house loan.
- Student loans
- Today I want to do two things with respect to loans
- Compute the monthly payment for a loan.
- Compute a required down payment.
- Compute an amount financed.
- Build an amortization table, or show how the loan will be paid off.
- In excel we will learn
- The payment formula
- Working with percents.
- Absolute vs relative formats
- Basic fill.
- Basics of working with tables.
- We will work with payments again, and you WILL see these on the tests.
- This is a standard setup in my opinion.
- I would like to buy a sailboat
- Price : $20,000
- Required down payment: 15%
- Interest rate: 6.75%
- Time: 10 years
- Payments per year: 12
- Enter these terms:
- In cell B3, compute the down payment (B1*B2), what is this? where does it come from? where does it go?
- In cell B5, compute the amount financed (B1-B3), what is this? where does it come from and where does it go?
- In cell B10, compute the monthly payment
- We will use the pmt function.
- This function requires three parameters.
- A parameter is a value the function needs to perform a computation.
- Think variables (r,n,P,t)
- The payment function takes
- The periodic interest rate. r/n
- The number of payments (n*t)
- The amount financed, as a negative.
- Just learn this, memorize it or whatever. I want you to know it.
- Do this with the insert function button
- In cell B12, compute the total payments (Monthly payment * payments per year * years)
- In cell B13, compute the total interest paid (Total Payments - Amount Financed)
- In cell B14, compute the total paid for the boat (Total Payments + Down Payments)
- Payoff Table