Headers and Footers
- This material is mostly from chapter 7 of the book.
- Start with this document.
- We will work on controlling headers and footers for a document.
- Different headers/footers in different sections.
- A different header/footer on the first page
- This is difficult
- It is not hard, but it requires attention to detail.
- And the software (word) tends to fight you in this process.
- I suspect that it might get better at some point, but that point is not here yet.
- Notice in your book
- The first page of a chapter is different from other pages.
- Odd and even pages are different.
- Each chapter is different.
- We will accomplish this with sections.
- Next Page, Even and Odd Page section breaks are the important factor here.
- Continuous page breaks are ignored.
- Other breaks (page, column, wrap) are ignored.
- Before you start this, you should have your document nearly finished.
- Make sure that it is broken into sections.
- Turn on the Hide/Show marker.
- Go into headers/footers
- I find it easiest to just click in a header/footer area.
- But you can make selections on the Insert tab/Header Footer area.
- Note
- The labels (First Page Footer Section N), (First Page Header Section n)
- The items in the Navigation workgroup
- The items in the options workgroup.
- For this document, we would like
- Page numbers at the bottom of the contents section, in roman numerals, starting at v
- The word Front Matter centered in the heading of this section.
- The next section should
- First page have the section title centered at top.
- First page page number at bottom right Page N
- Even pages page number on left hand side
- Odd Pages page number on right hand side.
- No information in the footer.
- To accomplish this
- For the headers/footers on
- The first page.
- The first non-first even page
- The first non-first odd page
- Set the options
- Remove link to previous, double check this
- Watch, word tends to turn link to previous on for you.
- Watch, word tends to jump between headers and footers.
- Fix the header/ footer