Basics of Images
- For now we will work in word.
- But in theory we should be able to use any of the packages.
- The layout in excel is just a little different.
- Start word.
- Let's add some text.
- Word will generate garbage text for us.
- type =lorem(33,10)
- This will give us 33 paragraphs of text with ten "sentences" in each.
- not terribly useful but works here.
- I'd like to focus on inserting pictures
- Let's get some data by googling images for lorem ipsum.
- Almost all of these operations are on the Insert tab, Illustrations workgroup.
- Some are really straight forward.
- Others require just a bit more explanation.
- They include
- Pictures : On your file system.
- Online Pictures: search with bing or use your one drive.
- Shapes: Use predefined shapes
- Smart Art: use some predefined charts.
- Charts: A simple version of excel charts. I would use excel.
- Screenshot: A built in screen shot tool.
- Let's play with screenshot a bit.
- Some of the windows, are there, so we can insert an entire window
- Or we can select with a screen clipping tool.
- Select the screen clipping tool
- The word window will go away
- And the entire screen will turn white.
- Then select and drag over the image you want.
- Notice, there is a new tab which has appeared in the ribbon
- Picture Tools, Format
- This gives us a tun of new tools, related to images.
- Notice as well, the box around the image.
- You can probably handle rotation and resize.
- Layout options are important.
- By selecting these, you can change how the image interacts with the text
- Experiment, see how these change.
- I set it to be behind, what should I do? (UNDO)
- On the format tab there are a large number of really cool tools.
- It is not quite photoshop, but there is some power here.
- I really like the background removal tool here.
- Play with it a bit.
- Cropping is worth some effort as well.
- screen clipping tool is useful (snip) especially if you want to take a picture of an office application.
- ctrl-Print Scrn as well.
- This is especially useful when you want to take a picture of a drop down menu.