Basic Document Formatting

When you finish this exercise you should This assignment is in honor of one of the members of your class who delights in puzzles, games and logic. You will be formatting a Wikipedia article on the Liar paradox, a classical logic puzzle/problem.

  1. Download this document. Make sure you save it someplace you can find it later.
  2. The document has a series of [edit] tags left from Wikipedia. You need to delete these.
  3. There are also a number of references ([1], [2], ...) in the document. You need to remove these as well.
  4. Select all text and mark it as normal text (document style).
  5. Go to the top of the document.
  6. There are five main sections in this document. Mark each as a heading1
  7. There are 8 sub sections in this document. Mark each as a heading2
  8. The paragraph after the sentence The paradox was once discussed by St. Jerome in a sermon: is a quote. Mark it as such.
  9. Apply the Centered formatting style to the document.
  10. Make the entire document double spaced.
  11. We are now done with document level formatting, now apply paragraph and text level formatting. Perform all of the following tasks using text and paragraph level formatting.
    1. In the first sentence of the document, make liar paradox and liar's paradox bold. (This should probably be done with a strong style, but you need to show me your text formatting skills.)
    2. Find the phrase pseudómenos lóos and make it italic.
    3. Format the quote by St. Jerome
      • Single spacing
      • Justified
      • A box with 6pt borders.
  12. Save this document somewhere you can find it later. We will use this document in the next assignment.
  13. Submit your saved document to the Formatting Part 1 folder in the Assignment section of D2L for this class.