Please start with this document.
Note that this document has been formatted, with a title page, a table of contents, two chapters and a bib and index.
- The title page should have no header or footer information.
- The pages containing the table of contents should have
- No information in the header.
- The page number, centered in the footer numbered with roman numerals, starting at iv.
- Each Chapter should have
- First Page
- Nothing in the header
- Nothing in the footer.
- Even Pages
- The page number in the lower left hand corner of the page (footer).
- The first chapter should start on page 1.
- The chapter name (Chapter 1, Chapter 2) in the upper left hand corner of the page (header).
- Odd Pages
- The page number in the lower right hand corner of the page (footer)
- The word Aesop's Fables in the upper right hand corner of the page(header).
- The table of contents and index
- The page number should be at the center of the top of the page (header).
- The page numbers should start at A.
- All pages should have the same headers and footers.
- Save your document where you can find it, we will continue with this next time.
- Upload the document to the D2L assignment folder Headers