Exploring the House Sales Data With a Pivot Table
When you finish this exercise you should
- Have worked with a larger spreadsheet.
- Have explored a larger data set.
- have used pivot tables to explore data.
- have created a pivot chart.
For this project we will continue with the data set you have formatted from the previous exercise. If you do not have that data, I have provided my version.
For this exercise we will explore the data set further.
- Either start with your data from the previous homework or download this workbook.
- Begin by exploring a single dimension of the data, the relationship between average price and zip code.
- Build a pivot table.
- Rename this worksheet zip code
- Drag price into the values area
- Change the computation to be average
- Change the format to be some financial format.
- Drag the zip code field into the rows area.
- Format the results.
- Click on the row labels and select More Sort Options
- Select Descending
- Select the Average Price
- This should show the zip codes with the highest average price first.
- Select the value filter and select top 10
- Build a pivot chart from this data.
- The number of bedrooms and bathrooms in a house is important. Let's explore these characteristics in the data.
- Build a new pivot table, rename this sheet Beds & Baths
- We want to count the number of houses sold that match the criteria, so we can just use a count of any field for values. In this case, use the count of the id.
- Drag the id field into the values area.
- Change the computation to be count.
- Drag Baths into the Rows area and Bed into the Columns area.
- Using the Grand Totals drop down on the Pivot Table Design tab, remove both the row and column totals.
- Is there any data that we should investigate?
- I am a little concerned about the 33 bedroom house.
- Double click in the cell that represents this house (in my case it was N11
- This will open up a new worksheet with the data for this house.
- It sure looks like a typo to me. I don't think there is sufficient space in an 1,600 sq ft house for 33 bedrooms.
- Go back to the kc_house_data tab and change this 33 to be 3.
- Back on the Beds & Baths tab, select refresh all in the connections work group. The 33 bath house should be removed.
- Are there any other combinations that seem wrong? Explore these.
- I don't understand what the Condition field means. Build a final pivot table to explore this.
- Build a new pivot table, label the worksheet Condition
- Place the view field in the rows.
- Place the waterfront field in the columns area.
- The lack of labels makes this hard to read so go back to the kc_house_data worksheet.
- In the waterfront column, change 0 to be No Waterfront and 1 to be Waterfront (Find and replace)
- Back in the Condition worksheet refresh.
- In the values are place two items
- Average of price, formatted as a money type
- Count of id, formatted as an integer (no decimal places)
- Remove the row and column totals.
- Finally, build a filter to explore conditions.
- Drag Condition into the filter area.
- Using the condition filter, display only the houses sold in condition 5.
- Save this workbook.
- Submit the word document to the Houses Part 3 folder in the Assignment section of D2L for this class.