Simple Finance Exercise

When you finish this exercise you should For this exercise we will be constructing a workbook to keep track an account. We will modify a checkbook register to allow for multiple types of transactions. The product will eventually allow you to keep track of a simple budget.

We will build on the idea of a check register from last time, but we will allow for a number of different categories of expenses, Housing, Food, Clothes, Transportation, Entertainment and Miscellaneous.

  1. Start excel.
  2. Enter the column headings as pictured
  3. Adjust and format the column headings.
  4. Enter the following transactions
  5. Compute the balance column
  6. Add a total line
  7. Add Another worksheet
  8. Copy A1:K2 from the Feb worksheet to the March worksheet.
  9. Link the Feb balance to the March worksheet
  10. Enter the following transactions
  11. Make up at least three more transactions for this month and record them.
  12. Calculate the balance as in instruction 5.
  13. Calculate the totals as in instruction 6.
  14. Save your work
  15. Submit your saved document to the Simple Accounting folder in the Assignment section of D2L for this class.