Cereal Stats
When you finish this exercise you should
- Imported a CSV file.
- Used various statistical functions.
- Sorted data.
In this exercise we will be dealing with information on a number of different types of cereal. I got this dataset from Kaggle.com.
- Download this file. Save it somewhere you can find it.
- This is a comma separated value file.
- Data is in rows, with commas between the values.
- Excel will be happy to load this file, just make sure to tell it the fields are delimited with a comma (,) not spaces.
- Once the file is opened, save it as an excel file.
- File
- save as
- Select excel workbook.
- Information step: the data in this file consists of:
- The name of the cereal:
- The manufacturer:
- A = American Home Food Products
- G = General Mills
- K = Kelloggs
- N = Nabisco
- P = Post
- Q = Quaker Oats
- R = Ralston Purina
- type:
- calories: calories per serving
- protein: grams of protein
- fat: grams of fat
- sodium: milligrams of sodium
- fiber: grams of dietary fiber
- carbo: grams of complex carbohydrates
- sugars: grams of sugars
- potass: milligrams of potassium
- vitamins: vitamins and minerals - 0, 25, or 100, indicating the typical percentage of FDA recommended
- shelf: display shelf (1, 2, or 3, counting from the floor)
- weight: weight in ounces of one serving
- cups: number of cups in one serving
- rating: a rating of the cereals (Possibly from Consumer Reports?)
- Adjust the columns so everything fits on the screen.
- In large worksheets like this it is nice to freeze the headings
- On the View tab.
- In the Window workgroup
- Select the Freeze Panes drop down
- Select Freeze Top Row
- This will keep the top row visible as you scroll down in the data.
- Sort the data.
- I want to see the most popular types of serial in both hot and cold.
- Sort with a first level on type and the second level on rating.
- Make sure that the hot cereals are first and the highest rated is at the top.
- Clean the data
- There are several fields containing a -1. I doubt that this is good data
- Use find and replace to find all occurrences of -1 and replace them with a space.
- I had 4 values replaced.
- Do some basic statistics
- Move to the bottom of the data and insert the following labels
- Using the appropriate function, calculate the statistics for all columns D through P
- I used max, min, average, stdev.p, mode.sngl, quartile.inc
- It probably doesn't make sense to compute the statistics on the "shelf" column, so remove these for column M, (clear contents)
- Note, there is no mode for the rating.
- Count the types by brand
- Copy the list of manufactures from above and paste it into a92:a98
- Split this data into two columns
- Highlight the range
- Data tab, Data Tools workgroup, Text To columns
- The data is delimited by an =
- Rearrange the columns so the manufacturer name is in column A and the letter is in column B.
- Each of the letters in B92:B98 has a space at the end.
- These need to be removed.
- There are several ways to do it, but just deleting the spaces in the 7 cells is probably the easiest at this point.
- Use the countif function to compute the number of cereal types from each company
- In cell c92, enter =countif (or use the insert function button)
- The first argument is b2:b78
- The the list of manufacturers.
- We want to count the number of times each letter occurs.
- We will copy this formula down, so use an appropriate mixed reference
- the second argument is b92
- This is the thing we want to count.
- We want this cell reference to change as we move down.
- If you did not delete the spaces the result will be 0, otherwise it will match the values pictured.
- Label this computation
- Build a table to count the number of hot and cold cereals.
- I know you can just count them, but practice the procedure.
- Do this in cells a100:c102
- Save your work
- Submit your saved document to the Cereal folder in the Assignment section of D2L for this class.